10 Reasons To Add Coaching to Your Practice

10 Reasons (aka: Benefits) of Adding Coaching to Your Practice. This is for you if you have ever considered becoming a coach and adding it to your practice


if you are a coach and you want to understand a few of the things you could say to “pitch” yourself to a therapy practice!

—let’s start with this:

Coaching is a 2 BILLION dollar a year business and growing. In fact, it is one of the fastest growing industry of our time.

In North America, about 14,060 coaches earned some $707 million.—–

You started a business for a reason….why not try to

Add Coaching to Your Practice

Here is the list. When you choose to watch the video, I give many examples how each one of these 10 reasons can be played out.

  1. More Impact. You became a helping professional because you want to IMPACT people’s lives.
  2. Make More Money. The field does not suffer from the issues of insurance, the lack mentality that can come with setting your fees and frankly, some coaches charge HUGE amounts of money…and YOU with all your years of experience and education could be changing a lot as well!
  3. Sell Programs. When you develop a process you lead people through, you can turn this into a program and have it automated. This means you are able to REMOVE the burden associated with exchanged TIME for MONEY. Automation is the THING to leverage your time. Also, Freedom with how you work with clients. You are not regulated (this is if you take insurance) with just an hour session.
  4. Location Independent. The laptop lifestyle is alive and well!! Where could you work?
  5. Leverage utilizing other specialties. Who would also support your client population? Use more “helping” modalities. You are able to bring in your entire wealth of knowledge without being stuck in a singular solution.
  6. Working with higher functioning clients. The burn out is lessoned!
  7. The connection is DIFFERENT. With coaching you are able to actually allow yourself to be visible in a way being a therapist you never would. No, I am not referring to dual roles, or anything unethical, but perhaps you could actually share from experience, the boundaries are slightly different.
  8. More Marketing Opportunities. Opportunities online and offline are greater to reach your perfect ideal client!
  9. CASH. Though you can take cash in private practice, billing packages and have people pay upfront or groups is different than practice.
  10. End Date. Goal, clean end date. No worries about wanting to discontinue providing services for someone you no longer can a. help or b. want to help.

Now I get it if you think coaching isn’t for you. You have all your degrees, certifications, or license etc.

I get you.

I, too, felt the same way like coaching is beneath me somehow because I was SICK when people said, “omg, I just got my life coaching training this weekend…and now I can tell you what to do with your life!!”

BUT…and hear me out, dear professional…

Your reminder…..Coaching is a 2 BILLION dollar a year business and growing. In fact, it is one of the fastest growing industry of our time.

In North America, about 14,060 coaches earned some $707 million.

What do you think about adding coaching to your practice??

Leave me a comment below!

Here’s to your BIG, BOLD LIFE & BIZ



P.S.: Let me know what examples you watched in the video that you will use….and share what I missed out?

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