Recently I had a VIP day with a client. And the question for her surrounding her big goal (to double her revenue to…2 million dollars) was….


And once we got clear on whether it was her intention vs. her ghostly whispers of the past (–or present—society, family, friends, hubby) we were able to break down the


I have an intention as well….watch the video, then check out the ACTION STEPS BELOW.


Yeah, so my intention for my health is to get into better shape.

In order to do that, I must be CLEAR on what my outcome is.

For me that looks like:

1. Can keep up with River when she wants to race.

2. Can keep up with River when she wants to go to the cool playground and practice parkour (yeah, it is really jumping over stuff, not flips, though if that ever does happen I’ll post a video:)!

3. Can hike any mountain I want and not worry about blowing out my knee again!

4. Can buy clothes and feel HOT!

5. Not too much of a tummy.

6. Eating yummyyyyyyy food! and tracking it.

7. Not having “guilt” if I want a cookie.

8. Getting fabulous sleep.

9. Honoring myself for my increase level of self-care.

10. Loving being disciplined and responsible for ME. This is where the magic happens, this is when you feel most alive!

You get the picture.

In order for me to have those outcomes, I must get clear on what I want, how it will feel, what could get in my way, how I would feel if I didn’t achieve my intention, is this my intention or someone else’s, is there an inner voice (or ghost) saying I can’t/shouldn’t have/want this intention?

For my client whose intention is to bust through to 2 million in revenue….same exact process.

Part of the process is getting CLEAR ON WHO YOU ARE.

What YOU value.

What YOU need.

What YOU want to have show up in your life.

How YOU want to feel.


1. Think about what you want. What you think you want. What you think you KNOW you want. —write it out.

2. Ask yourself if this feels familiar. If this brings up familiar feelings of your past, familiar feelings of people in your life.

3. If so, what is the message? —write it out.

4. Look at what you have written and ask yourself if this is still true. (let me give you an example, “I want a million dollar company so I can have financial freedom and have more money to invest in a staff so I can have more free time. —yes, this is true OR no this is what I think I am “supposed” to want.)

5. Now if it is true, write more details.—if it is NOT true. Ask yourself, who is whispering this to you.

6. Claim or Re-claim your true intention and desire.

7. What may get in your way? (remember, there are triggers that show up aka. blind spots….if you need more help with this read this—BLIND SPOTS FOR THE WOMAN ENTREPRENEUR)

8. What are your DAILY activities to move you toward you intention? Morning practice? Business plan? Lifestyle plan? (dont’ know how to plan….call me:Be Bold Call with Mary

9. Get in touch with how you feel. Literally, what is your body telling you? what is you mind telling you? what is your intuition telling you?

10. Listen

Often times in order to own our intention, to be in alignment with it we must say it in the positive:

I am getting healthier (I am building a million dollar empire)

I can get healthier ( I can build a million dollar empire)

I will get healthier….

I have gotten….

We must get clear on our intention being our own so we can actually OWN IT!

We must be clear on our intention and HOW IT CAN SERVE US.

It does take bravery and boldness to ALLOW ourselves to want what we want, unapologetically!

I believe in YOU!